Jan Hills unveiled a new international leadership development consultancy called Head Heart + Brain this morning.  The former head of talent strategy and change leadership at Orion Partners is working with a team of around 20 associates at the consultancy which will offer leadership development based on the principles of neuroscience. 


Jan Hills said, “Our name is pretty quirky but it says what we do.  We work with the head – the cognitive, rational content; the heart – the emotional content and lastly the brain; and take the latest findings from neuroscience to package what we deliver in a way that works for our brain.  We believe through taking this approach that participants and clients will achieve lasting behavioural change.”


Although Hills, a neuroscience specialist with 25 years experience in leadership consultancy and HR, launches the firm officially today, it already has a number of clients on board, including Japanese retailer, Uniqlo.


Head Heart + Brain’s services will include a new offering, MasterMind, which will use a combination of face-to-face training, coaching and social learning to explain to managers the implications of neuroscience research on their style of leadership – and do so in a manner also inspired by neuroscience.


Hills said, “MasterMind will apply neuroscience to leadership development in two ways.  First, by showing managers how people’s brains react to change, we will help them be better leaders.  Second, in designing the way the programme’s messages are delivered, to ensure they are absorbed effectively and people change behaviour.  For instance, neuroscience shows there is a formula to changing habits and hence behaviour.  People also learn best when they are in a community so we have included a social media element in MasterMind.  Participants will form communities during our face-to-face training sessions and the online social media environment will extend the lifespan of these communities.”


Hills ended her business partnership at HR consulting firm Orion Partners last month.


To find out more about Head Heart + Brain, go to

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